AI Hurricane Predictions Are Storming the World of Weather Forecasting

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It was 10 days out from the earliest possible landfalleons in weather forecastingbut meteorologists at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, or ECMWF, were watching closely..

For Lee, the three tech-company models predicted a path that would strike somewhere between Rhode Island and Nova Scotiaforecasts that generally agreed with the official, physics-based outlook..

When he started a project this year with the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration to validate Nvidias FourCastNet model against real-time storm data, he was a skeptic of the new models, he says..

Similarly, the new weather forecasting models learn the patterns from decades of physical atmospheric data collected in an ECMWF data set called ERA5...

Shakir Mohamed, a research director at DeepMind, says that rain and extreme eventsthe weather events people are arguably most interested inrepresent the most challenging cases, for AI weather models..