At MWC 2024, fintech in spotlight as tech leaders look at confluence of mobile and finance

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The Mobile World Congress (MCW) 2024, which starts next week, will be bringing together key players in mobile fintech..

Essentially, it will act as the prime opportunity for mobile fintech players to connect and form partnerships...

As the Mobile World Congress (MWC) kicks off on February 26 in Barcelona, Spain, one of the key focus technologies at the event is going to be fintech..

The annual event serves as an important place for tech leaders and companies to talk and discuss the latest in the world of mobile technologies and this year one of the key topics of the discussion is going to be the confluence of tech and finance world...

The MWC 2024 will also play host to the Fintech and Mobile Commerce Summit, which is expected to act as an opportunity for investors, decision-makers, tech firms working in cybersecurity and thought leaders from various mobile financial services organisations to connect and collaborate...