Study explores adolescents at risk of depression from social media use

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Social media use does not raise the risk of depression in all adolescents, revealed a study on Wednesday which found parental hostility and peer bullying as major risk factors driving teenagers to mental health conditions...

Early social media use has previously been linked with an increased risk of depression among teenagers and young adults...

The findings, published in the Journal of Adolescence, suggest that social media use does not impact all adolescents in the same way...

If the teenager is already in a vulnerable position (being bullied or having hostile parents or parents who dont monitor their teenagers media), then social media is much more likely to be harmful, said corresponding author W. Justin Dyer, from the varsity...

On the contrary, warm and supportive friends and parents and moderate amounts of social media use (less than 3 hours a day) may be a good thing.. They stressed individualised approaches to determine the benefits and harms of social media on young peoples mental health...