Social media has made news more graphic. Torture by Russian military is latest example

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Before social mediabecameour constant companion, depiction of violenceon newswas the exceptiongraphic visuals were eithernot shown onTVor in newspapersor the images were blurredto avoid identification and lessen the impact on readers/viewers...

No longer: Think of theRussianwar in Ukraine, IsraelsGaza koonwar, and the Hamas attack: we have seen dead babies and adults, critically injured childreneven some emaciated with food deprivationbodies strewn on the streets, homes destroyedAnything and everything can and is nowshown...

And, although mediaorganisationscould not verify the videostaken fromsocial media, they were considered genuine since they were sourced to Telegram channels apparently close to Russian authorities, said several news organisations...

And the decision by the Russian authorities to showcase it so publicly in court, in a way they had almost never done before, was intended as a sign of revenge and a warning to potential terrorists, analysts said.. And while Western news outlets were critical of the Russian authorities and the Russian media for what they saw as gloating over the torture and severe abuse (The Washington Post) of the accused men, their own coverage left little to the imagination, in words or visuals...

Russian media had reported that the men were tortured during interrogation by the security services and unverified and brutal videos of the suspects interrogations have been circulating on social media...