Social media addiction: How can we avoid it?

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Accordingly, the amount of time children and young adults spend in front of a screen has risen sharply compared to pre-pandemic levels, up to about two hours and 45 minutes a day on social media alone.. Helpful or harmful?..

The media expert explained that excessive social media consumption became an addiction when users weren't able to get around to other important things in their lives, when they had the desire to use social media less but found themselves unable to think about anything else, and when they started neglecting real-life social relationships...

"People who already have weak impulse control, or who struggle to organize their daily lives, have an even harder time with social media," Dienlin said.. Escapism and echo chambers..

They blame Facebook operator Meta, Chinese TikTok operator ByteDance, Google and YouTube operator Alphabet, and Snapchat operator Snap for not only disregarding the risk of children becoming addicted to social media, but also actively promoting it..

Dienlin suggested physical activity, pursuing a hobby, meeting friends, or volunteering. . "It would be wrong to assume that social media networks are to blame for us feeling down. Oftentimes, being glued to one's phone is indicative of a wider problem..