India looks to build consensus at WTO to block non-trade issues

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India is pushing for forging consensus with like-minded countries at the World Trade Organization (WTO) to prevent entry of non-trade issues such as environment and sustainability into the trade negotiations...

The move by advanced economies to impose green taxes has already made the developing and emerging economies wary of such moves...

India fears that there may be a renewed push for bringing environment and sustainability into trade negotiations by the developed countries at the ministerial level, especially in the backdrop of these measures...

In February, India submitted at the WTO that carbon border measures are being selectively applied to "trade-exposed industries" such as steel, aluminium, chemicals, plastics, polymers, chemicals and fertilisers, reflecting the underlying competitiveness concerns driving such measures...

India said WTO rules mandate non-discriminatory treatment for products, irrespective of their production methods and discriminatory measures in the form of border measures can lead to "behind- the-border" protectionist practices...

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