Men want the pill and they are ready to use it responsibly

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Male birth control pills aren't available yet, but there are already accusations that men won't want to take them, or can't be relied upon to take them responsibly..

A new study , presented at the Reproductive Health Innovation Summit in Boston in February 2023, backs the claims, showing that men and their partners are strongly in favour of new forms of male contraception and that women trust their partners to use them responsibly...

Moreover, women largely trust their partners to use contraception responsibly 82% to 88% of women in Vietnam, Nigeria and Bangladesh agreed or strongly agreed they would believe it if their partner told them they were taking a contraceptive...

"The data shows men want new birth control forms and women trust their partners to take them," Heather Vahdat, executive director of the US-based Male Contraceptive Initiative, told DW..

But we're now reaching a tipping point with male contraceptives and people are paying attention to them," she said.. Data in the survey shows men in committed relationships want to be part of the decision-making progress around contraception, as much as they are around conception...