Scientists decode what causes cell damage in long Covid

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A team of Swiss researchers has identified that the complement system, a part of the bodys immune system, plays an important role in long Covid...

In patients with long Covid, the complement system no longer returns to its basal state, but remains activated and, thus, also damages healthy body cells, said Onur Boyman, professor of immunology at UZH...

Patients with active long Covid disease also had elevated blood levels indicating damage to various body cells, including red blood cells, platelets, and blood vessels, explained Carlo Cervia-Hasler, a postdoctoral researcher in Boymans team...

The measurable changes in blood proteins in active long Covid indicate an interaction between proteins of the complement system, which are involved in blood clotting and the repair of tissue damage and inflammation...

Active long Covid is, therefore, characterised by the protein pattern in the blood.. Our work not only lays the foundation for better diagnosis, but also supports clinical research into substances that could be used to regulate the complement system..

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