The night light robbery: How LED bulb industry ensures that we keep buying

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LED light bulbs are nowhere close to their promised life of 20 years..

There is grounds for suspicion that perhaps this industry has fallen back to the days of the infamous Phoebus cartel, which ensured that the old filament-based light bulb's lifespan was reduced from 2,500 hours to 1,200 hours.. Jaijit Bhattacharya : A promise is a promise..

The whole premise of switching from cheap filament light bulbs to extremely expensive LED ones was based on the calculations of power savings over the life of an LED bulb, which would make the lifetime cost of the LED bulb lower than the incandescent bulb..

So the cartel started pouring in resources to actually work on shortening the life of the bulbs and limiting them to 1,000 hours, in order to force people to continue buying the bulbs, an unethical practice that is now labeled as planned obsolescence...

So that brings us back to the issue of LED light bulbs and their real-life being closer to 2,000 hours (roughly 2 years) and certainly not the promised 30,000 hours to 50,000 hours...