India targeting jihadists in Pakistan is valid but it can trigger LOC military escalation

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For the first time in history, that summer of 1934, newsreel cameraman Georges Mejat recorded the assassination...

The great historian of terrorismWalterLaqueurhas recordedthat the man who ordered the killing, Fascist Italys ruler Benito Mussolini, attended a memorial for Alexander I in Rome in full ceremonial uniform, shedding bitter tears...

I have telephoned all the editors of your respective papers, said Frances new Foreign MinisterPierreLaval, who thought coddling Mussolini might head off a German-Italian alliance, to impress upon them the grave danger of war as a result of the assassination...

Even as nationalists, Left-wing revolutionaries and anarchists targeted European states with terrorism before 1914,historian Mary Barton has observed, state-sponsored terrorism became a major concern in the inter-war period..

Following the Second World War,political scientist Brian Jenkins notesthat a growing number of governments saw terrorism as a cheap means of engaging in war against domestic foes or other nations..