I was assigned what color to wear at a wedding, ended up enjoying it

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My husband and I were invited to a wedding where everyone was given a color to wear.We were also told there would be teams and we would be competing in games during the reception.At first I hated the idea, but by the end of the night I realized how genius the plan was...

Everyone was being assigned a color, there would be color-coordinated teams, and those teams were going to participate in field games..

To my surprise, the games got everyone rallied up, and friendships started blossoming.. wedding dress, cornhole, croquet, trivia, organizing the planets in the correct order, a hula hoop endurance competition, and hammering a nail on a log..

Guests jokingly complained about cheating, had fun distracting rival teams, and slowly but surely, the anxiety of the competition melted away.. Team navy blue..

I rocked navy blue throughout the wedding, and have to admit, that maybe, just maybe, the bride knew it was a good color for me...