Watching 'Love Is Blind' with my husband helps us discuss relationship issues

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My husband and I usually don't like to watch the same kinds of television.It surprised us when we realized we both enjoyed reality-TV dating shows.While watching "Love Is Blind," we realized we were pausing to discuss real relationship issues...

So it seemed unlikely that we would both enjoy the one genre neither of us had ever tried watching reality-TV dating shows..

We started watching reality-TV dating shows together on a whim..

"I can't believe she would say that," my husband scoffed during a particularly tough moment in a season three episode of "Love Is Blind." "She literally just told this man to 'boss up.' That would absolutely devastate any guy's ego."..

We used to hide this "guilty pleasure" from others, embarrassed that we were watching and enjoying what most people consider "trashy television." But now, when asked, I proudly explain that my husband and I have truly bonded over these shows..