Why do we behave the way we do? The secret lies deep within.

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After Freuds inability to provide a scientific proof of his subconscious and the fiasco of Vicarys subliminal advertising claim, any talk about something beyond the conscious processes of human behaviour was looked at with suspicion..

In this book, Professor Zaltman mentions that 95% of human decisions occur at a level below consciousness and the traditional study of human behaviour is only focused on the 5% of human behaviour that happens at a conscious level..

The most significant study on the conscious and and non-conscious processes of the human brain came from Professor Manfred Zimmermann of the Institute of Physiology at Heidelberg University . In his 1989 paper The Nervous System in the Context of Information Theory..

In his book Hidden Brain: How Our Unconscious Minds Elect Presidents, Control Markets, Wage Wars and Save Our Lives, he said This new understanding of human behaviour constitutes a revolution no less intriguingand perhaps more powerful than the discovery that the sun really does not revolve around the earth.".

This information that 99.99999% of human brain processing happens at a non-conscious level is the big hidden truth about human behaviour..