Godfather of AI says AI will surpass human intelligence but that won't happen anytime soon

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While a section of experts believe that AI might be taking over the world someday, others are more optimistic...

One of the Godfathers of AI and Meta's chief AI scientist, Yann LeCun, says that there is 'no question' that AI will surpass human intelligence in the future..

LeCun, according to a BBC report, said at an event that while there was 'no question' of AI surpassing human intelligence in the future, researchers are presently missing 'essential concepts to reach to that level'..

It makes an assumption which Elon and some other people may have become convinced of by reading Nick Bostrom's book 'Superintelligence' or reading you know some of Eliezer Yudkowsky's writing, LeCun was quoted by Business Today as saying during a podcast with venture capitalist Harry Stebbings...

Further explaining what hard take-off means, LeCun cays that it is theory that says that the moment you turn on a super-intelligent AI system, it will refine itself on its own and be more intelligent in humans eventually leading to the destruction of the entire world...