UP & Kerala have highest out-of-pocket health costs. Inpatient care lion's share of national spend

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New Delhi: The National Health Accounts (NHA) estimate released by the central government Wednesday has shown that out-of-pocket expenditure (OOPE) of the Total Health Expenditure (THE) in India stood at 39.4 percent in the financial year 2021-2022down from 64.2 percent in FY2014-2015...

The NHA, which is in its ninth edition, describes health expenditures and flow of funds for a financial year in India...

The new report shows Current Health Expenditure (CHE) constituted Rs 7,89,760 crores or 87.32 percent of THE, while capital expenditure stood at Rs 1,14,701 crores (12.68 percent)..

Current Health Expenditure by government hospitals was Rs 1,49,900 crores (18.99 percent of CHE) and by private hospitals was Rs 2,12,948 crores (26.96 percent of CHE), the report said...

In terms of service providers, expenditure incurred by other government providers (including primary health centres, dispensaries, and family planning centres) was Rs 56,477 crores (7.15 percent of CHE) and other private providers, including private clinics, was Rs 30,080 crores (3.81 percent of CHE)...