What is body roundness index the new standard to measure health?

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A new metric called Body Roundness Index (BRI) is emerging as a more accurate measure of health risks compared to the traditional Body Mass Index (BMI)...

For years, Body Mass Index (BMI) has been a widely used measure to determine a person's health based on their height and weight...

However, a new metric is emerging that provides a more comprehensive picture of health risk: the Body Roundness Index (BRI)...

Unlike BMI, which relies solely on height and weight, BRI takes into account both height and waist circumference, offering a more accurate assessment of an individual's body fat distribution and health risks, according to the National Institutes of Health...

One key reason is that BRI accounts for abdominal fat, which is closely linked to metabolic disorders and cardiovascular problems, unlike BMI, which focuses on overall body weight without considering fat distribution.. ..

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