Colourblind people are less likely to be picky eaters. Here’s why

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The seventh season of Julia Childs The French Chef, the first of the television series to air in color, revealed how color can change the experience of food..

People vary a great deal on these tasks, and some of this variation is explained by a general ability to recognize objects of any kind.. But a portion of the food recognition differences among people was not explained by this general ability..

The results could have been predicted by Child herself: Without color, people unsurprisingly made a few more errors and mistook different dishes as the same kind of food, but the pattern of variation across people was otherwise unchanged..

We then made an entirely new prediction: Would people with color blindness men, really, because color blindness affects 16 times more men than women be less food neophobic than those with normal color perception?.

Our participants had no idea that we were interested in color blindness when we asked them then to fill out the Food Neophobia Scale that measures how resistant people are to new foods...