Study links lotions, sunscreens to hormonal disruptions in children

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Beware, a new study has linked personal care products like lotions and conditioners with increased levels of chemicals known to cause hormonal disruptions in their bodies...

The study, published in the peer-reviewed Environmental Health Perspectives Journal, showed that lotions, hair-care products like shampoos and conditioners, and sunscreens contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals called phthalates, posing severe health risks in children...

Jyothi Raghuram, Senior Consultant - General Pediatrics & Pediatric Rheumatology, Aster Women & Children, Bengaluru said that this is alarming because phthalates are commonly used to improve the product's texture and durability, but their exposure has been linked to hormonal disruptions in children...

She noted that parabens and strong fragrances -- usually found in skin and hair care products -- are an uncommon cause of rashes, and can lead to breathing difficulty in susceptible children...

At an age when the hormonal systems of the body are still developing, phthalates can negatively impact the growth rate, metabolic strength, and even reproductive health of the child, Raghuram said while cautioning parents to be mindful of the ingredients when choosing products for children...