Parents' screen time is weakening their children's vocabulary

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Researchers have found a link between parents' screen time and their children's language skills, highlighting the impact of screen use on early development...

But how does screen time impact the developing brains of children, particularly in terms of language skills?..

The findings, published in Frontiers Development Psychology, revealed a clear link: parents who spent a lot of time using screens also had children with higher screen time, which in turn was associated with weaker language skills.. . ) ..

Understanding how screens affect language skills requires analysing what kind of screens children and adults are using and for what purposes.. . Screen interruptions, whether through notifications or texts, can hinder these interactions..

Tulviste and co-investigator Dr Jaan Tulviste surveyed 421 children aged between two and a half and four years, asking parents to estimate how much time each family member spent on screens during a typical weekend day...

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