Want to become a morning person? Try this ultimate 3-day challenge to shift your body clock

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Bring your circadian clock into alignment by trying this ultimate 3-day challenge to get up early more easily..

Ask American neuroscientist and podcaster Dr Andrew Huberman about the best morning routine and he will suggest waking up between 6:00 am and 7:00 am, starting your day with exercise like a light jog, skipping rope or even a walk in the sun to increase your core body temperature..

He will also recommend taking a cold shower after, to further wake up your body while advising against sleeping much later than 7:00 am to align with one's natural minimum temperature and optimise the sleep-wake cycle but - how does one become an early riser?..

In a recent podcast with Chris Williamson, host of Modern Wisdom Podcast, Dr Andrew Huberman spilled the beans on how to wire your brain to wake up early and laid out tips for being a morning riser..

So, tap into the desire to become more productive in the mornings with this ultimate 72-hour challenge to transform your night owl into a morning bird and reset your body clock in just 3 days!.