Most children diagnosed with cancer in India are undernourished

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A new report reveals the severe impact of malnutrition on childhood cancer care in India, highlighting that a significant percentage of children are undernourished at diagnosis...

A report, titled Food Heals Report 2024, released by Cuddles Foundation, a non-profit based in India working with 40 public hospitals across 14 states, has put a spotlight on the alarming impact of malnutrition on childhood cancer care and how most children who are diagnosed with cancer are undernourished...

Proper nutrition gives these brave children the strength to endure gruelling treatments and the best chance at recovery," she said.. Bahl called for more specialised nutritionists, better training, and the prioritisation of nutrition as an integral part of cancer care..

According to Dr Manas Kalra, Senior Consultant, Pediatric Haematology, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, "Transforming the future of childhood cancer care starts with nutrition.". . Children diagnosed with cancer are malnourished..

It calls for "mandatory targeted nutrition interventions in pediatric oncology care," along with increased funding and the recruitment of more pediatric oncology nutritionists to meet the growing needs of children with cancer...