Bridal beauty guide: 9 essential skincare tips for a perfect wedding glow

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But achieving that perfect bridal glow isn't just about makeup on the big day, it's about nurturing your skin well in advance..

Glowing, healthy skin can make your wedding day even more special, giving you the confidence to shine as you walk down the aisle..

Arti Singh, Aesthetician, Cosmetologist and Lifestyle Coach, Founder of Sparha Advanced Aesthetic Studio, shared with HT Lifestyle some essential skincare tips to help you achieve that radiant look..

Achieving that coveted bridal glow requires more than just makeupit starts with a dedicated skincare routine.(Freepik) 1..

Activities like yoga, pilates, or even a brisk walk can reduce stress, which is another factor in maintaining clear and radiant skin.. 8. Sleep and stress management..