Why you should be lifting weights if you have type 2 diabetes

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Key Points

Effective management requires comprehensive lifestyle changes, like adding strength training to your daily activity regimen...

In 2019, a staggering 77 million adults were affected by this condition, and this number is projected to rise to an alarming 134 million by 2045...

While strength training has multiple health benefits in reducing cardiovascular disease risk and increasing muscle mass and bone health, its effect on diabetes has been seldom talked about...

A 2018 study, published in the US National Library of Medicine, showed that was a substantial decrease in type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease rates among those who participated in strength training compared to those who did not engage in any strength training...

Studies show that even modest amounts of resistance training (up to 1 hour per week) can reduce diabetes risk by 12-34%.. . Strength training boosts your metabolism, helping with weight management - a key factor in diabetes control..