No, This Is Not an Alien. Here’s Why

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Toward the end of a public hearing in the Green Room of the Chamber of Deputies Congress of Mexico, Jaime Maussan, ufologist, journalist and host of the Mexican television program Tercer Milenio, announced a surprise..

The opinion of academics, archaeologists, and scientists is unanimous: Part of these mummies are modified pre-Hispanic human bodies, while the rest, especially the smaller oneslike those presented this week in the Mexican Congressare bodies assembled with animal and human bones...

Flavio Estrada, a forensic archaeologist who analyzed the mummies for the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of the Public Ministry in Peru, has said that the remains of the alleged aliens are creations made from animal and human bones held together with synthetic glue which have, in turn been covered in a fake skin...

Fierro says.. What happened yesterday in the Mexican Congress was a spectacle, with information that is not necessarily verifiable, the product of fanaticism that is more about media spectacle and political gain than explaining the phenomenon of possible life beyond our planet, says Ral Trejo Delarbre, researcher at the Institute for Social Research and a doctor in sociology from the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences at UNAM..

I believe that this hearing should be understood in the context of the enormous misdirection of the majority party that dominates the Mexican Congress, that is, Morena and its allies; the extreme irresponsibility of Congressman Sergio Gutirrez Luna, who on other occasions, but never in such a clumsy way as this one, has used his seat in Congress to fulfill his personal whims..