Data correction: India's per capita disposable income put at ₹2.14 L

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New Delhi: India's per capita disposable income is expected to be 2.14 lakh in 2023-24, rather than 2.12 lakh estimated earlier, the government said, issuing a correction to the GDP data released Thursday...

The corrigendum to Thursday's data release pointed to changes in gross national disposable income, net national disposable income, and per capita disposable income calculated at current prices for 2022-23 and 2023-24...

The new data indicates that per capita disposable income grew 8% in FY24 and 13.3% in the previous year...

India's gross national disposable income, which includes net primary income and other transfers received from the rest of the world, is expected to expand 8.9% in FY24 and 14.5% in FY23, as against 13.8% and 8.9% projected earlier...