The 4 Big Questions the Pentagon’s New UFO Report Fails to Answer

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And the AARO report spends a half-dozen pages documenting how confusion over subsequent generations of secret US government aircraft appear to have also contributed to the great intergalactic game of telephone of UFO programs inside the government, including modern Predator, Reaper, and Global Hawk drones..

AARO investigated one claim where a witness reported hearing a former US military service member had touched an extraterrestrial spacecraft, but when they tracked down the service member, he said that the conversation was likely a garbled version of the time he touched an F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter at a secret facility...

And some of these still-classified efforts are likely causing UFO confusion too: AARO untangled one witnesss claim of spotting a UAP with peculiar characteristics at a specific time and place and were able to determine, at the time the interviewee said he observed the event, the DOD was conducting tests of a platform protected by a SAP..

Again, AARO found such confusion taking place: After one witness reported hearing that aliens had observed one secret government test, AARO traced the allegation back to find the conversation likely referenced a test and evaluation unit that had a nickname with alien connotations at the specific installation mentioned..

The organization claimed that the material had the potential to act as a THz frequency waveguide, and therefore, could exhibit anti-gravity and mass reduction properties under the appropriate conditions. Ultimately, though, the new report concluded, AARO and a leading science laboratory concluded that the material is a metallic alloy, terrestrial in nature, and possibly of USAF [US Air Force] origin, based on its materials characterization...