Best balanced advantage funds or dynamic asset allocation funds to invest in 2023

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Mutual fund managers and advisors have been asking conservative and new equity investors to invest in balanced advantage funds or dynamic asset allocation funds to tide over the volatile phase in the market..

They believe these schemes are ideal for new and conservative investors to get into the market without worrying too much about the market levels and valuations... has employed the following parameters for shortlisting the hybrid mutual fund schemes.. 1. Mean rolling returns: Rolled daily for the last three years.. 2. Consistency in the last three years: Hurst Exponent, H is used for computing the consistency of a fund..

The larger the value of H, the stronger is the trend of the series. 3. Downside risk: We have considered only the negative returns given by the mutual fund scheme for this measure...

Jensen's Alpha shows the risk-adjusted return generated by a mutual fund scheme relative to the expected market return predicted by the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)..

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