My girlfriend from my 20s became my best friend in my 40s. I didn't realize it until she died.

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She died, and I miss our friendship and all the history we had together.. Loading Something is loading...

My friendship with Kiki was different because we dated for 11 fun, wild, tumultuous months from March 2003 to Valentine's Day 2004, and only much later became the kind of friends who tell each other everything in real-time...

Beyond my sadness for all the things she won't get to do, for the loss of her wife, parents, friends, and family, I'm sad to have lost the person I turned to with all my biggest news, good, bad, and simply average...

I miss all the history we had together that made us such good friends, the kind who could share anything and know we wouldn't be judged, only loved and supported..

I often picture her face and hear the animated lilt in her voice, and remind myself I'm lucky to have met her back then and to have had these last months of deep friendship to sustain me now..