How to fix bad friendships: Confrontation strategies from an expert

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Research shows that ambivalent relationships take a huge toll on our mental health. "Frenemy" relationships make it difficult to relax and open up. Many people don't realize they're a frenemy, so it's good to be honest about how you feel.. Loading Something is loading...

We spoke to Kennedy-Moore about the key differences between an intentional, malicious frenemy and a friend who probably doesn't know they're hurting you...

Once you've identified an unhealthy relationship dynamic in your life, it's important that you set boundariesand instigate productive conversations to make your bond healthier, she said...

According to Kennedy-Moore, mean-spirited friends are bi-strategic controllers who "strategically dole out kindness and meanness in just the right proportions to enhance their own social power," thereby creating that frenemy dynamic...

Kennedy-Moore said this is a common pitfall in friendships: One person stays silent for a long time, until they one day explode..