Writing the new rules for AI

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However, rapidly advancing capabilities of AI have also brought to the fore the criticality of safety and ethical use of these technologies...

At the Global Partnership for Artificial Intelligence summit in 2023 in New Delhi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi stressed on the importance of creating a global framework for ethical use of AI, including a protocol for testing and deploying high-risk and frontier AI tools..

Earlier, at the first global AI Safety Summit 2023 at Bletchley Park, 28 countries gave a call for international cooperation to manage the challenges and risks of AI...

These include dealing with machine learning biases and potential discrimination, misinformation, deep fakes, concerns on privacy and access to personal data, copyright protection, potential job losses and ensuring the safety, transparency and explainability of the AI algorithms...

We also need to focus on the development of AI applications trained on Indian data sets in various domains, such as agriculture, education, health care, transportation, public safety, etc...