Clearer math soon for states' social scheme budgets

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India's Development, Monitoring and Evaluation Office, an attached office of Niti Aayog, is creating a framework for states to implement target-based budgeting in social schemes..

India is eyeing a framework for states to introduce target-based budgeting in their social schemes, a move aimed at ensuring better impact on the ground and greater accountability of public money spent on welfare measures...

The Development, Monitoring and Evaluation Office (DMEO), an attached office of Niti Aayog, is developing states' specific output-outcome monitoring framework (OOMF) and providing technical support to each state to implement the framework...

"The framework will help states to monitor the physical and financial progress of schemes at district, block and village levels and may eventually lead to result-based financing," the official quoted above said.. OOMF is expected to help states rationalise centrally-sponsored schemes, state development plan schemes and help track institutions under various state departments based on their performance outputs..

"The OOMF for states will help better understand on-ground performance of various government schemes, programmes, bring in greater transparency and accountability in the use of public money and will lead to significant improvement in governance," another official involved in the exercise, said.. Read More News on..