Rishi Sunak unveils new framework to make U.K. science and tech superpower

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British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on March 6, 2023 launched a new framework through his newly created Ministry The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology as part of a vision to cement the U.K.'s place as a science and technology superpower by 2030...

The British Indian leader said the new Science and Technology Framework is designed to challenge every part of government to better put the U.K. at the forefront of global science and technology this decade through 10 key actions, creating a coordinated cross-government approach...

Downing Street said that the framework will work alongside a raft of new measures backed by over 370 million in funding to boost investment in innovation, bring the Worlds best talent to the U.K., and seize the potential of ground-breaking new technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI)...

"That's why we're setting out 10 key actions under a bold new plan to cement our place as a global science and technology superpower by 2030 from pursuing transformational technologies like AI and supercomputing to attracting top talent and ensuring they have the tools they need to succeed..

"Innovation and technology are our future. They hold the keys to everything from raising productivity and wages, to transforming healthcare, reducing energy prices and ultimately creating jobs and economic growth in the UK, providing the financial firepower allowing us to spend more on public services, said Michelle Donelan, The new U.K. Science, Innovation and Technology Secretary...