What Your Friends Can Teach You About Money

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Key Points

At the time, six years ago, for the points" meant nothing to Saint-Vil, now a 30-year-old planning manager in Brooklyn, so he pressed for more details..

But when it comes to winning back young consumers, these same financial institutions havent quite given up, and are rolling out new outreach programs and robo advisors, some of which have helped bridge a connection with Gen Z and millennials, said Keith Niedermeier, clinical professor of marketing at Indiana University..

Fear and shame around being able to buy or accomplish as much as ones parents might have financially can crop up when millennials talk to elders about their financial frustrations, said Jodi Kaus, director of Kansas State Universitys student financial planning center, Powercat Financial..

At a certain point, however, talking solely to friends and peers for your financial lessons can be very limiting, said Sarah Behr, founder of Simplify Financial Planning in San Francisco..

. Julia Carpenter is the co-author, with Bourree Lam, of The Wall Street Journals The New Rules of Money: A Playbook for Planning Your Financial Future," a personal-finance workbook published this week by Clarkson Potter, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group..