A record number of people are off work in UK. Know why

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The number of people in the UK not working because of long-term sickness has risen to a record high partly because of ongoing health problems related to the coronavirus pandemic, official figures showed Tuesday...

The Office for National Statistics found that 2.55 million people were not able to work in the three months to March, which is over 6% of the country's working population..

Many young people have also been unable to work because of mental health issues while those suffering from head and neck problems has potentially grown because of the increase in home-working since the coronavirus pandemic..

There's also a backlog of care following the pandemic that will take time to clear.. This is now comfortably the largest number of people out of the labor market due to long-term health problems that we have ever seen, said Tony Wilson, director of the Institute for Employment Studies...

The monthly labor market figures from the Office for National Statistics, found that unemployment in Britain rose modestly to 3.9% in March from 3.8% the previous month, while vacancies fell to their lowest level for 18 months amid the economic uncertainty of high inflation and rising interest rates...

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