Does the U.S. government want you to believe in UFOs?

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Key Points

In UFO arcana, one of the figures claiming a whistleblower's knowledge of a secret U.S. program to reverse-engineer recovered alien technology is a man named Bob Lazar...

Here's how Lazar has told the story: As a physicist educated at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Caltech, he was hired by the U.S. Navy in the 1980s to work as a technician at "S-4," a subsidiary of Area 51..

By his account, the facility contains nine recovered flying saucers; in addition, Lazar has claimed glimpses of alien cadavers and briefings on human contact with the Zeta Reticuli star system...

The Lazar story is a useful backdrop to the latest round of claims about secret U.S. programs involving alien technology, which just appeared on the technology website The Debrief..

The would-be whistleblower in this case, David Grusch, isn't touting fraudulent credentials; he's a former national security professional who was assigned to the then-newly-created Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (lately rebooted as the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office) from 2019-22..