Flu experts gather with H5N1 risk on the agenda

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Experts have been tracking H5N1 clade since it emerged in 2020, but recent reports of mass deaths in infected mammals from seals to bears, as well as potential mammal-to-mammal transmission on a Spanish mink farm last year, have raised concern...

The world's leading experts on influenza met this week to discuss the threat posed to humans by a strain of H5N1 avian flu that has caused record numbers of bird deaths around the world in recent months...

The group of scientists, regulators and vaccine manufacturers meets twice a year to decide which strain of seasonal flu to include in the vaccine for the upcoming winter season, in this case for the northern hemisphere...

At this week's meeting, H5N1 clade was a key topic, the World Health Organization (WHO) and global flu experts told Reuters..

WHO-affiliated labs already hold two flu virus strains that are closely related to the circulating H5N1 virus, which could be used by vaccine manufacturers to create a human vaccine if needed..

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Bird flu: The group of scientists and vaccine manufacturers meets twice a year to decide which strain of seasonal flu to include in the vaccine for the coming winter season | World News