Alarmed by AI's potential, U.S. Senate to summon experts

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WASHINGTON, July 27 (Reuters) - U.S. senators, alarmed by the malevolent potential of artificial intelligence, will summon developers, executives and experts for hearings later this year on possible legislative safeguards, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on Thursday...

There is "real bipartisan interest in AI, which will be necessary if we want to make progress on what really is an imperative for this country putting together AI legislation that encourages innovation but has the safeguards to prevent the liabilities that AI could present," Schumer said.. Speaking on the Senate floor, Schumer, the chamber's leading Democrat, said the Senate would convene what he called "the first-ever AI Insight Forums" to hear what experts had to say...

Democratic and Republican senators voiced alarm this week about artificial intelligence's potential use to create a biological weapon...