'Ultraman: Rising' sees iconic superhero unleash his parenting powers

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LONDON (Reuters) More than two decades in the making, a new Ultraman movie grounds the popular character with Earthly responsibilities...

Ultraman: Rising is a Japanese-American co-production written by Shannon Tindle and Marc Haimes that hopes to make the superhero relatable while honouring the franchises legacy...

Born out of a 1960s Japanese television series, the red and silver-clad Ultraman is a superhero with alien powers who protects the Earth from a variety of monsters...

For Tindle, who also directed the film, Ultraman: Rising is a celebration of the character and his own experiences as a father and a son...

I thought that was something that could connect to a broader audience without needing any knowledge of who Ultraman was as a hero, he said.. Traditional Ultraman mythology is incorporated in the film that centres on Ultramans core qualities...