Grammy winner Arooj Aftab speaks on new record and upcoming Glastonbury performance

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, 2024 Arooj Aftab, the first Pakistani artist to win a Grammy, used night as the theme for her new record Night Reign, which will be released on Friday...

The New York-based musicians career soared in 2022 when she won best global music performance at the Grammy Awards...

From June, the 39-year-old will tour the U.S and Europe, with dates including a performance at Britains iconic Glastonbury Festival...

Aftab: I think that my music is a surprising thing to people because it makes them feel like theyre listening to something new, while also making them feel they are rooted in some sort of ancient thing.. Q: What did you think of your Grammy win?..

Aftab:It was so good to win a Grammy after being such a sensitive, deep-diving and complex artist and being told by the industry that no one is going to care about your little beautiful songs..