Can AI really replace you in office? Infosys HR head explains

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The study also found that employers were willing to pay substantially higher salaries to employees with AI skills, across functions. The premium was highest (47 per cent) for IT workers and ranged from 35-43 per cent for other employees..

Employers can use AI models to build employee profiles, acquire insights into what really matters to todays employees, and initiate appropriate actions to meet those expectations, which can range across a sense of identity and purpose; social and emotional well-being; work-life balance; and having agency at work..

AI can assist helpdesk agents in identifying common issues found in remote working environments and sharing the learnings from employee interactions to speed up problem diagnosis and resolution...

Onboarding traditionally a fragmented process that required new recruits to contact different teams for getting their hardware issued and email set up, understanding company rules and policy, and meeting co-workers across functions is now a highly automated, frictionless experience thanks to digital technologies..

Since employees cannot spare any time from work for learning separately, AI integrates micro-learning modules into their work processes exactly when required without interrupting their routine..