Two million killed, $4.3 trillion in damages from extreme weather over past half-century: World Meteorological Organisation

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Nearly 12,000 extreme weather, climate and water-related events over the past half-century around the globe have killed more than 2 million people and caused economic damage of $4.3 trillion, the U.N. weather agency said on May 22...

The stark recap from the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) came as it opened its four-year congress among member countries, pressing the message that more needs to be done to improve alert systems for extreme weather events by 2027...

The Geneva-based agency has repeatedly warned about the impact of man-made climate change, saying rising temperatures have increased the frequency and intensity of extreme weather including floods, hurricanes, cyclones and drought...

The findings were part of an update to WMOs Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather, Climate and Water Extremes, which previously had covered a nearly 50-year period through 2019...

In Africa, WMO counted more than 1,800 disasters and 7,33,585 deaths related to weather, climate and water extremes including flooding and storm surges..

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Extreme weather killed 2 million, caused damages worth $4.3 trillion in just 50 years

23, May, 23

The World Meteorological Organization, in an updated report, said that extreme weather events have killed over two million people in the past half-century.