Norway’s top authority revokes decision by city council to only take Ukrainian refugees

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A top authority in Norway said Tuesday that it was revoking a decision by a city council to only take Ukrainian refugees and not others, saying it was contrary to the Norwegian Constitution and the Scandinavian countrys discrimination laws...

The office of the Country Governor of Oslo and Viken had asked the right-leaning municipal council in Drammen to explain its February decision that it would be easier to integrate Ukrainians in the society..

The governor said the municipal decision involves direct discrimination based on nationality...

Norways Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store, who heads a centre-left government, had said that Norways 357 municipalities cannot decide for themselves which refugees they accept only how many they can take in..

Kristin Surlien, a senior member of Hoeyre in Norways fifth largest town, told the local newspaper Drammens Tidende that the ruling was a surprise..