Iranian teen Armita Geravand injured on Tehran Metro while not wearing headscarf dies: State media

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An Iranian teenage girl injured weeks ago in a mysterious incident on Tehrans Metro while not wearing a headscarf has died, state media reported Saturday...

Geravands October 1 injury and now her death threaten to reignite that popular anger, particularly as women in Tehran and elsewhere still defy Irans mandatory headscarf, or hijab, law as a sign of their discontent with Irans theocracy...

Irans state-run IRNA news agency reported Geravands death, without noting the wider unrest surrounding the headscarf law...

Geravands injury also came as Iran has put its morality police whom activists implicate in Aminis death back on the street, and as lawmakers push to enforce even stricter penalties for those flouting the required head covering..

Internationally, Geravands injury sparked renewed criticism of Irans treatment of women and of the mandatory hijab law...

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