Ilhan Omar's daughter homeless, starving after Barnard College suspension

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Hirsi, along with a hundred other protesting students, were picked up over pro-Palestine protests on the campus..

Isra Hirsi, the daughter of the Democrat Congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, said that she was homeless and had nowhere to live, after her suspension over anti-Israel protests on Thursday..

Isra Hirsi, was amongst the 100 students who were cuffed and arrested by the New York Police Department at Barnard College and Columbia University in New York...

Some of the protesting students were slapped with suspension from their college boarding after they sat out in camps and refused to move out, at the prestigious Ivy League college on Thursday...

Hirsi, along with hundreds of members of Apartheid Divest, an anti-Israel student group, were staging a sit-in protest on the campus last week...

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