Things are easier now for outsiders than star kids: Anu Malik on nepotism

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Anu Malik says things are easier now for outsiders than star kids, gives his daughters' example..

Anu Malik talked about nepotism in the industry and said things are never easy for star kids..

Composer and singer Anu Malik, who has given a number of hit numbers, talked about nepotism in the industry and said things are never easy for star kids..

In an exclusive interview with ANI, he recalled his struggle and also shared how his daughters, Anmol and Ada Malik are working hard to establish themselves..

I think I finally turned this around and say that it has become easier for someone from outside to make it than star kids." . Malik continued, "My daughter Anmol is an outstanding singer and I have helped countless singers but has anyone come forward and expressed his wish to work with my daughter.".