We are living in a ‘digital dark age', here's how to protect your photos, videos and other data

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Back in 1997, Kuny warned we were moving into an era where much of what we know today, much of what is coded and written electronically, will be lost forever...

But despite all these very understandable concerns, there are still good reasons to think seriously about how you preserve the digital artefacts and data that are most important to you...

When it comes to your own digital memories, there are services you can use and steps you can take to preserve data from being lost to history: Keep multiple copies (and formats) of important data across different devices: SD cards, USB thumb drives, DVD/Blu-ray discs, external hard drives and NAS (network attached storage) boxes..

Embrace the ethos of the FAIR principles) findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable so that you and others can locate and access any important data you wish to preserve easily...

Finally, if you come across a rotten link or other missing data, you can explore data preservation initiatives like the Long Now Foundation's publicly accessible Rosetta Project or the Internet Archive, a non-profit library of free digital books, movies, software, music and websites...