Novel AI model may lead to personalised tuberculosis treatments: Study

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The study, published in the journal iScience, analysed multimodal data including diverse biomedical data from clinical tests, genomics, medical imaging and drug prescriptions from TB patients...

By analysing data from patients with varying levels of drug resistance, the researchers discovered biomedical features predictive of treatment failure...

We identified drug regimens that were effective against certain types of drug-resistant TB across countries, which is very important due to the spread of drug-resistant TB, added study first author Awanti Sambarey, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan...

We also noted if the patients had other comorbidities, such as HIV, and then we worked with several imaging features such as their X-ray, CT scans, data from the pathogens, drug-resistance data, as well as genomic features and what mutations the pathogen had, she said...

The team also studied the impact of the type of drug resistance present.. You can look at a specific snapshot of the data, such as genomic features and find what mutations the infecting pathogen had, and ask what some of the long-term treatment implications are, Sambarey added...