Cut marks on 4,000-yr-old skulls show ancient Egyptians tried to treat cancer

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Ancient Egyptians attempted to operate on excessive tissue growth or learn more about cancerous disorders after a patients death, revealed a study on two 4,000-year-old skulls...

To understand their further prowess, an international team of researchers studied two human skullsmale and female and each thousands of years old...

The cut marks on the skulls revealed the extent of traumatological and oncological treatments practised by the ancient Egyptians, they said in the paper published in the journal Frontiers in Medicine...

Microscopic observation of skull 236 showed a big-sized lesion consistent with excessive tissue destruction, known as neoplasm.. Further, there were also 30 or so small and round metastasised lesions scattered across the skull, with cut marks probably made by a sharp object such as a metal instrument...