Consumer confidence remains on recovery path: RBI survey

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The current situation index rose by 2.2 points to 87 from 84.8 on account of improved perception on general economic situation, employment, and household income...

Household assessment of inflation conditions improved for the current period reflecting more confidence on economic conditions; notwithstanding a marginal uptick in the latest round, inflationary expectations improved over their average level since September 2021...

Both three months and one year ahead inflation expectations moderated by 30 bps each to 10.2% and 10.5%, respectively, as compared to that in January 2023.Though the expectations on general prices and inflation remained elevated, relatively lower share of households expect prices to rise, when compared to the previous survey round..

The survey obtains current perceptions (vis--vis a year ago) and one year ahead expectations on general economic situation, employment scenario, overall price situation and own income and spending across 19 major cities...

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