What is AMOC & why scientists are alarmed by this crucial ocean current nearing tipping point

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Bengaluru: A study released last week, indicating that an oceanic current that regulates crucial climate and weather patterns is nearing the tipping point, has set alarm bells ringing in the science community...

According to the peer-reviewed study, published in the journal Science, early warning indicators show that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) could collapse within this century, leading to renewed warnings about the possible devastating effects of such an event...

The latest study, conducted by a team of researchers from The Netherlands, calls for further immediate studies into its tipping point..

Multiple studies have indicated that the AMOC is at its weakest since the Industrial Revolution in the 1850s, with numerous climate models having it as one of the major tipping elements in our climate system.The research paper has led to a resurgence of conversation around the AMOC, its significance, and the possible effect of its collapse...

As the name suggests, the AMOC is an overturning current that transports large volumes of water through the ocean, moving over 15 million cubic meters of water per second and transporting heat from the southern hemisphere and tropical regions, towards the north.. The current stretches from the Southern Ocean around Antarctica to the Arctic...

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